Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Here he is!

Tanner Clayton Berg came into this world 9.8 Lbs and 21 inches long on August 10, 2009 at 1:45 P.M. after an hour and a half of pushing by mommy, he came. We're so happy to have him and are completely amazed by his hair. We don't know where it came from as daddy is bald. Mom is doing well and is an awesome person for going through with this.

Stay tuned for more pictures


Erika said...

Oh, he's so cute! Love the chubby cheeks and tons of hair. Holy cow. Can't wait to meet him!

Glad you guys are doing well. Good luck in recovery. We miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you guys! How exciting and what a beautiful boy. How about that hair 'eh? Looking forward to more pictures. (Did you mean August 10 for his birthday) :)

Again congrats!

kara said...

You two make beautiful babies!!!! Please do it again, sorry it's a must! I can't wait to hold him and talk to you. Let me know when it is my turn for dinner. We love you guys and are sooooo happy for you. Dallas'

Mom said...

Congratulations!!!!! He is beautiful. February 10th????
I know that it is the new father thing.

Love, Aunt Gloria/Uncle John

Paul and Tammy said...

He is so cute you guys!! I was also wondering where all that hair came from!?! Glad to hear everything went well. We can't wait to see him.

Sally said...

He looks so handsome. I am so glad for you all. Congrats you will love being parents.

The Shumway Family said...

Cute pics!!! You know it says Feb, not August right? Are you guys getting any sleep?

The Rindi's said...

Oh my gosh he is adorable!! I LOVE his hair!! Congratulations!! I'm glad to hear both mom and baby are doing well!!

Tim and Heidi said...

Congrats you guys! Maybe when the hair starts falling out you can paste it on Clayton's head! Glad to hear both are doing well! I love his name. Glad to hear you didn't go through with the Heath R Berg. Let us know if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

You guys he is such a beautiful baby! I LOVE his hair! As soon as things settle down, we want to come see you!

The Olsen's said...

WOW!That hair is so stinkin long! I love it! He is a cutie!Congrats!

Eli and Candace said...

Hooray for Baby Tanner!! We love him!!

Mark and Kimmi said...

Absolutely adorable! We are so happy for you both!

Ella said...

Congratulations! He is so beautiful! I can't believe all of that hair! And blonde! Amazing! Good luck with everything.

Hobbs Family said...

oh my gosh!!! So freaking cute!!! The hair is just awesome!! Congrats, you guys will be great parents!!

Wendy said...

Congrats! He is adorable. Thanks for sharing with everyone.

Nate&Bobbi said...

Oh my gosh! He is so adorable! I love him already! Look at that hair! He is a doll! I love the name Tanner too! I am so excited for you guys! Have fun!

Amber Madsen said...

How DARLING!!! I couldn't believe his hair, but it's so, so CUTE!! Congrats to both of you!!!!

Nickessa said...

He is so cute! Congratulations!
Nick & Tessa Pearson

JakeandAsh said...

SO CUTE!!!! I love the hair!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to come see him. You will love it!

Heather Keetch said...

OH MY GOSH! Little Tanner is a stud!
Sounds like everything went well - I can't wait to hear more!

Ashley said...

What a cutie! Look at all that hair and his cheeks. Good work you guys!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! he is soo cute!! i can't believe how much hair he has!! congrats!

Blass Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS Michelle!! He is adorable I LOVE his hair! ERin

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! Clayton, Chris says it's nice of you to sacrifice your own hair for your son, he's got a ton!

Sue said...

What a handsome little guy - congrats!!!!

Lindsey said...

He is soooo cute! I love the hair!

Anonymous said...

Clayton, Tanner will beat you before he beats his grandpa.

Melissa said...

Congratulations! He is darling! I love that he is already golfing. I guess the whole Rear Window gig is up for you now!