This is a picture of Clayton spinning for luck on a bowl in Milan. It worked because...
Many of you probably already know this, but Clayton GRADUATED this week! (From College...) I am very proud of him. He did it in three years. Probably because I am a slave driver.
ALSO, he was offered and accepted a great job with Zions Bank. He will be in their Officer Development Program. They will train him in just about every department and allow him to work in each department for 18 months and then will have a job in one of those departments.
He is such a smart guy and I am extremely proud of how hard he works and how much he tries. We all know how great he his, but I'm sure he'd like to hear it, so post a comment!
Good job, Clayton!
You mast toke afteer yore dad he graduatted with a B- aeverage also in socialologyy. Way two goo sun yao maded me prooud. Dad
Congrats! That's amazingly wonderful! In three years too. Impressive.
HA HA HA HA HA - Dad's comment makes me giggle! You do take after him you know.
Yeah Claytie!!! I can't believe my little baby brother is graduating from college. That makes me old!! Oh wait, this isn't about me. Congratulations, would you see what you can do to get the banking industry back on track? I have faith in your abilities.
This is so cool! It's too bad we had lost contact. But, I'm glad that we are together again. Congrats to Clayton too!
Looking forward to watching your family!
Clarence, nice work on the graduating! Looks like things are going well for your family.
All of us know that credit goes to your outstanding bank boss who provided a great example in addition to many of the answers to your final exams.
With this great move by bank executive management, we are all expecting to see a four-fold increase in Zions Bank stock value starting January 26...the starting date of your new job.
Now that I can read your post...Where the heck have I been? I didn't know you had this new cool position with Zions - I'd like to learn everyones job in a company and pick the one where I get paid the most to do the least!
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