Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thank you Michelle

On the 25th I was having horrible pain in my stomach come to find out it was issues with my Gallbladder, it hurt to pick up Tanner and to run after him so Michelle took on Tanner for 4 days straight without a break. Then I was seeminly fine for 2 days until I got the FLU. At which point I couldn't be near Tanner because I didn't want to get him sick, so Michelle continued to be the only person near Tanner the whole time. Then of course the FLU turned into pneumonia, since this FLU and pneumonia was pretty bad my parents were nice enough to let me stay at their place. Yet again no break for Michelle. She is the greatest and I am so lucky to have her. I love you Michelle and thanks for being so good to Tanner and me.


Skeen Kids said...

You poor thing! Tell Michelle to drop Tanner off at my house and she can have a break for a few hours! I know how hard it is to not have a break from kids!

Paul and Tammy said...

WOW!!! You have a wonderful wife there. But then again, we always knew how great she is. Sorry to hear you were so sick. That's no fun.

Tim and Heidi said...

What a good wifey you have! I know all about gallbladder issues, it's no fun!