Saturday, February 21, 2009


This picture was taken while I was in Pordenone by the military base. Take a close look at the picure. Notice anything weird? Yup, I have hair. Our friends there decided to see what I would look like with hair. Michelle says it freaks her out, personally it does freak me out a little as well.

Also we are getting ready to make the second bedroom more baby friendly. We sold the "beloved" Futon today. We got $70 for it though, hurray for us.
I had a fun day on Presidents day, I broke the Lundbergs door handle to their garage, and the handle to turn off the water under our kitchen sick, and was able to repair (with Justins help) the motor on my car window. Hurray for us.

1 comment:

Eli and Candace said...

So... how'd you get the hair?? Photoshop? A hair piece? And remind me to not let you touch any handles at my house. :)