Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nap Time

So for the first time in about 2 months, I decided to take a nap while Tanner took a nap. I couldn't go to sleep so I started watching "Parenthood" on a volume level of 1. I didn't hear a sound. I looked at the clock at 3 and thought, man, this is a long nap. So I decided to check on Tanner.
Here is what I found:

Not in the bed...
Not in the tent...
I am now frantically calling his name until I hear, "Mom, I'm downstairs!"

He decided to get his travel mattress out of the bag and try to blow it up.

I guess I can no longer take naps. He's too quiet and sneaky!


Tim and Heidi said...

That's funny! I'm sure you were freaking out, but that's one silly kid :)

Lindsey said...

Wow! That is very resourceful of him, and totally scary!

Heather Keetch said...

Oh my gosh that's so funny! What a cutie and dangit on not being able to nap. That's so hard!

Andrew and Heather said...

Glad my child isn't the only one who sometimes doesn't go to sleep. There is one nice thing about her not being able to open doors yet. She kicked my wall in my room for a good two hrs the other day before she finally went to sleep!