So, Clayton's parents found a "poem" that Clayton wrote in 9th grade. Pretty sure I was crying by the end of it. Imagine a question mark on every line that starts with "My friend."
My Friend says you don't love her
And I say yes I do.
My friend says how do you know
And I say my hear tells me.
My friend says what heart
And I say the heart that holds all of my love for her.
My friend says for life you will love her
And I reply I hope for eternity.
My friend says what if someone better comes along
And I say no one is better
My friend says what if it ends
And I say there will always be a place in my heart for her.
My friend says hope you get her
And I reply I hope also.
My friend says congratulations
And I reply thanks for giving me confidence.
My friend says how's the wife
and I reply looking better than ever.
My friend says I'm sorry for the loss
And I say I will see her again.
My friend says goodbye
And I say thank you for everything.
Now the sad part is Clayton has no idea why he wrote this, he thinks it's to satisfy a english assignment (as you can see he probably failed) but we want to know what girl received this poem. Please tell us if you have ever seen this poem.
PS I hope if you ask Clayton "How's the wife?" he replies, "Looking better than ever!"