Sunday, May 16, 2010

Head, Pants, Now.

The title of this post is one of my favorite lines from the movie, "So I married an axe murderer." The reason I love it so much is because (wait for it) I have a large head. But, I am no longer alone in my quest for a huge head. Tanner is now 9 months and here are the stats:

Weight :23%

Length: 75%

Head: 99%

That's right a couple more years and I get to use all the same jokes I've heard for the past 25 years on my own son.

Does that thing have it's own solar system?

Seriously could he be cuter? Probably not.


Nate&Bobbi said...

Just wait till your kids head is off the charts and the pediatrician suggests you should see a neurologist for head growth. Poor Jackson has been at the top of the charts his whole life.

Eli and Candace said...

HA HA! I'm glad you're already planning on how you will torture your son. PS - Tanner has beautiful blue eyes... I only got to see them for a second the other day, I need to hold him.

Andrew and Heather said...

He looks so sweet in that picture and all grown up! Can't wait to see you in 3 1/2 weeks! If you haven't moved yet Andrew will be available for two months so you should plan on moving then.

taresama said...

He needs somewhere to put all of that gorgeous hair!

Anonymous said...

Love that movie...Tanner is cute regardless~