Friday, July 31, 2009

Rear Window

So yes, we are still waiting for this little guy to make his appearance. I no longer have a job so I have been spending my days at home cleaning, and oddly, watching the neighbors. I decided the other day that I have turned into Jimmy Stewart in the movie Rear Window. (I love old movies!)

There's a guy in the condo's, we'll call him Kenny. He has been "seeing" a neighbor across the way, we'll call her Kath. Well, Kenny and Kath have been seen together for quite a while at the pool and around. They look cozy. Well, Kath got a new roommate, we'll call her Smoker. Well, in my time off I've been driving by and looking out the window and have seen Kenny and Smoker at the pool being cozy! Then on another day in the week, I saw Kenny and Kath at the pool! Something is going on there. Who needs soap operas on TV?
So now you know even a little more about how weird I am, as well as how much I need this baby to come so that I'll stop being so nosy!


Nickessa said...

How exciting! The baby is almost here!

Carrie, Ryan, Logan and Caden said...

As you know today was the last day that baby boy could come out on his "good insurance." We tried to talk and pray him out, but he didn't listen. Now you have to try to keep him in until my mom comes back from Alaska.

welovebees said...

You are going to have your baby first so don't worry! Is the room all ready? We just have one more shelf to put up and then we are pretty much good. I keep wanting to put pics on the blog but the pics don't turn out good. Anyway - I'm excited for us both to see these cute baby boys!

JakeandAsh said...

you crack me up! I do the same thing! Jake thinks I am weird. I can't wait to see pictures of your baby when he is here! We miss you at Welby. It's weird there without you!

Unknown said...

hahaha, that is hilarious!! I would totally do that, worries, you are not alone on this one... :)